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Ultimate Portion Fix


Hi! Thanks for checking out the info on ULTIMATE PORTION FIX! If you have followed me at all you know Im a fan of clean eating and believe living a healthy lifestyle. NOT DIETS. Instead, I believe it's important to create new healthy habits in life and still be able to enjoy your favorite treats from time to time....for me that's wine, mexican food and chocolate. I found great success with this program and I also had the privilege of seeing it transform the lives of woman (and men) who had struggled to connect their fitness and nutrition and therefore make the weight loss journey work.

A huge part of what has helped me is learning portion control by following Autumns nutrition plan. It has taught me how to eat, what to eat, and how much of each food group I need for my specific goals. I used to struggle with working out at the gym for hours on end and quite frankly I wasn't eating to fuel my body correctly cause really I didn't even know HOW to do that. Problem is 80% of our results come from what we are putting in our bodies. This has taken ALL the guesswork out for me.

What I learned was...Fix Your Portions and the Rest Will Fall Into Place! The portion-control containers revolutionized the way people eat! They were the perfect tool in helping connect the missing link in nutrition for myself and 100's of 1000's. This program quickly became the best selling program we had to offer.

This week, Autumn Calabrese has come out with the ultimate follow up-

THE ULTIMATE PORTION FIX! This is a nutrition-only program that will encompass HOW to get the best results out of portion control, along with issues such as label reading, sugar addictions, food dependency and finding the CORRECT formula of eating for YOUR SPECIFIC GOALS! If you’ve ever struggled with connecting your nutrition to your fitness, there is no better time than now to jump all in and commit ultimately fixing your nutrition with portion control! 21 Day Fix just scratched the surface really. This isn't just about giving you containers though. It's time to take a deeper dive into the containers and WHY they work because when you can understand the WHY behind something you are more likely to stick with it.

Here's what's included:

What’s included in the program?

*Over 30 new videos about the containers and principles of the nutrition plan

*Portion control containers

*A workbook and daily logbook

*Fixate Volume 2 Cookbook with 102 new recipes

*Access to over 200 episodes of the Fixate Cooking Show

*75 Healthy Lunch Ideas for Kids PDF

*Tracking with the Nutrition+ and Beachbody on Demand apps

BONUS: When you purchase the Ultimate Portion Fix before April 1, you’ll get real time streaming of 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Workouts, so you can work out together with Autumn Calabrese starting April 1, 2019


As a coach, I LOVE running groups to help support the women I am working with and provide them with daily accountability, tips, motivation and FUN!! It's a safe place for you to turn for encouragement and share how you are doing! When you are working towards changing your habits or reaching for a new goal it is SO imperative you surround yourself with the proper support system.

In my UPF Lifestyle Group, I am also going to help you with:

-Meal Planning

-Understanding portion containers

-Cutting out processed foods and sugars

-How to curb your cravings

-How to stay on track during busy seasons and traveling

-Help you get your family on board as well!!

The group begins ULTIMATE PORTION FIX March 18th. During that time you can explore workouts on Beachbody On Demand if you would like but starting April 8th we will begin the ALL NEW 21 Day Fix WITH Autumn Calabrese.

To be in my UPF group, I must be your coach and you must purchase one of the UPF packs. You will also need to be drinking the SHAKEOLOGY daily or the PERFORMANCE LINE.

​When it is available? The all new Ultimate Portion Fix is NOW available as a sneak peek to all coaches and incoming new coaches. It will be available March 18th to all Beachbody customers. If you've been thinking about becoming a coach, either for a business opportunity, side hustle or just for the discounts, sign up with the Ultimate Portion Fix and get a head start on your managing your nutrition! PLUS you have the opportunity to enroll in a certification program with Autumn to take an even DEEPER dive into the portion fix program and be able to better help others in the future. On top of that, those who sign up as coaches with portion fix get to be in the ULTIMATE PORTION FIX and NEW 21 DAY FIX TEST GROUP!!


Here are some amazing results from the women who went through the original portion fix test group before it was released publicly!! THEY ROCKED IT!!!


Just fill out the info below and I'll reach out to you via messenger, text or email!

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