Tired. Busy. Kids are driving you nuts. No motivation. Vacation. Moving.
But life will ALWAYS be there! I hear all the time....I just don't have time right now to commit! Maybe in a few months Ill get started when things slow down. Ill tell you right now...time and life will not slow down. There just comes a point where you have to make a decision to MAKE time. I'm not saying its always easy. I have 3 very young kids and am running a successful business from home and a husband who works a busy job and many weekends as well. I KNOW BUSY. But, I also know that when I take that time for myself to take care of my health and sweat it out for just 30 minutes a day, the rest STILL gets done.
It's easy to get in the habit of skipping workouts, rule is never miss more than 2 days. After that it just gets harder and harder to push play again. In fact, research shows that even after missing 1 day increases the likelihood you will skip another by 61%.
So what do you do when life is crazy and busy? EXERCISE ANYWAY. As they say at NIKE...JUST DO IT! Stop getting ready to get ready. Fuel your body with good food....mines Shakeology....and find some accountability (like in the monthly groups I run via online groups!).
EXCUSE: I'm too tired at the end of the day.
Push play for 5 minutes. "5 minute rule" I bet you will get into it even if you didn't feel like it! After 5 minutes you will be moving and grooving. If you aren't, then you can stop. Swap out the later afternoon high carb snack for protein...like a protein shake or shakeology. Finally get you some accountability...someone that will push you and check in with you to see if you pushed play or even workout with you.
EXCUSE: I don't have an hour to workout or time to go to the gym.
Neither do I! I workout 22-30 minutes a day. That's it! And I've done that for 2 years! That paired with healthy eating will STILL get you results. Workout at home! It saves you time! If I had to load my 3 kids in the car and drive to a gym, then unload kids, then load back up again to come home...that would be an extra hour plus out of my day!
EXCUSE: The workouts too hard
Listen to your body. You should feel energized and accomplished after your workout, not defeated. Maybe you need to find a different program or dial back the intensity until your body is ready to take it up a notch.
EXCUSE: I can't exercise and watch my kids
INVOLVE THEM! If your kids are old enough get them to workout with you! Play some fun music and encourage them to move! If you have really young ones that just won't entertain themselves you may need to adjust to working out early before they wake...or see if you and your spouse can swap out workout times so one can watch the baby while the other works out. But don't let your kids be your excuse...let them be your WHY.
EXCUSE: I just loose motivation
ALWAYS workout on Monday. It starts your week out strong!! Put it out there to your friends on social media! Eventually they will pick up on it and hold you to it! Nothing like public accountability! Finally, again find some support! It's very powerful and energizing to surround yourself with others who believe in you and who share a common goal!