When you are pushing for a goal....there will be days where you feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. You will have days where you just wonder if it's worth it?
Guess what?! WE ALL DO! Everyone has seasons of struggle and seasons of growth! Your goal during seasons of struggle is to KEEP going and grow through what you go through.
Sometimes it helps to have little reminders that show up and REMIND you of your goals....
One reminder that helps me is a PUSH NUMBER>
Your Push number follows you everywhere and reminds you constantly of your why and your goals. Do you want to lose 5lbs a month? Make 5 your focal number. Or you want to were a certain favorite pair of shorts again? Make that size your number. Or, are you working on a 10K, 10 would be a good positive number to focus on:)
Whatever that number is put it EVERYWHERE!! Make it your screen saver for your computer. Screen saver for you phone. Take that number and put it on you rear view mirror in your car. Post it in the kitchen on your fridge. Post it on our bathroom mirror. This is your new lucky number. It is YOUR number! Make it fun. Post creative. It will become so ingrained that it will feel like it already happen. When you see that number it should make you smile or maybe you see flames around it because it means so much to you!
I do this all time with myself and my clients...it works! My number is 15. It is EVERYWHERE and it has a heart above the 1 bc heart is a big part of what I do...for me and others.
2. Next, list any and all positive side effects of achieving your push goal. Think about how reaching that goal will make your feel. How will it impact your relationships? Your job? You activities? Isn’t that fun to think your life will change. That pumps me up inside! Make a list and make it long. Write it next to you WHY, your goals and your rewards that you have down on paper.
Here's a favorite quote of mine...
Whether you think you can or you can't, YOU ARE RIGHT.