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The Bigger Picture

Kristin Sharp

Do you ever feel like you are putting in all your effort and hard work....but seeing little to no progress? The scale doesn't seem to want to move, inches don't want to come off...nothing. It can be discouraging...especially when change isn't happening as fast as we would like it to. Putting in time and hardwork but not getting results fast can cause many to give up when they are trying to loose weight and get healthy.

But...sometimes we need to take a step back and see the bigger picture...and try to come down what causes us to keep going back to those unhealthy choices. Then break those habits with some tips that can truly help you measure your progress and stay on track towards your goals.

THE SCALE CAN LIE People rely WAY too much on the scale as a way to measure progress. BUT, it is not giving you a true picture of change that is probably occuring as you work towards your goals. In fact, I would challenge you to THROW it out...or only way yourself 1x a week. Focus on INCHES lost more so than the number on the scale. Measure your waist, hips, thighs, arms, neck, etc. Write THESE numbers down and compare each week. Dropping inches will happen quickly and be more obvious. Notice how your clothes start to fit differently...and as much as you probably don't like to...take before photos and compare from week to week the progress you can SEE. Evenutally that scale will start to move, but it can not be your only measure of success.

TRACK Numbers don't lie. It's just that simple. If you eat a certain number calories, and burn more than what you eat, you will loose weight. So use something to help you track what you are getting. I dont believe in being a slave to a certain number, but you do need to be in a range and know what you are aiming for. Use something like myfitnesspal, which is free to help you. Keep in mind though that muscle is more dense than fat, so again, the scale can't be your only measure of progress. Gaining some weight as you add muscle is a good thing. Its what gives you that toned it will help you continue to burn more calories AFTER you are done working out. KEEP A JOURNAL Studies have shown that those who actually WRITE down what they eat are more likely to stay on track and reach their goals. It helps you see where there are gaps, and where you need to improve. REALLY want to take it up a notch then join an online accountability group that I run. We share our food journals daily for accountability.

CLOTHES CAN MOTIVATE Have a swimsuit you are trying to fit into? Hang it on the fridge or pantry as a reminder. Any clothes that become too big...keep them in a pile as a way to motivate you to KEEP going! Remember...ROME was not built over night! You did not get to where you are now over night, so it WILL take time to create results that truly last. It isn't about finding a quick fix but creating a lifestyle. Anything worth fighthing for will be hard work, but it IS WORTH IT! If you are looking for a supportive community, then message me on Facebook!

Looking forward to an amazing 2016!

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