I get it! Finding time to workout these days is quite the challenge! If you work.....you are getting up early rushing out the door and barely even have time to grab a bite to eat to make sure your body has energy to start the day. Or maybe you are a stay at home parent, and you are running errands, changing diapers, and making sure children aren't destroying your house all day.....yeah that sounds a lot like my day! BUT....from what I have found....when I stop and take just 30 minutes to focus on my health and fit my workout in, the day just goes better! I feel more energized. I'm happier. I am setting an example for those around me. AND I am overall just a more confident person and therefore a better mom, friend, and wife. So what are some tips that make working out easier to fit in? These are just a few things that have helped me.... 1. GET UP EARLY. This can take some training and discipline as you get used to it. But after awhile I promise you will actually look forward to this time. I get a head start on the day and have some quiet time to myself before the hustle and bustle of getting everyone ready for the day begins. Have a hard time getting up when that alarm goes off? Start by setting a small goal of getting up early just 2 days this next week. Then slowly increase that to 3, 4, and 5. 2. SLEEP IN YOUR WORKOUT CLOTHES. Hey if you are already in them when you wake up you are already a step ahead! 3. If you work...make use of your lunch break. Hit the gym or go for a walk. Heck...beachbody had ON DEMAND now so you can even workout right there in your office using your phone or internet on your computer. It will even make you more productive at work. 4. If you stay home...involve your kids in your workout! It might take practice at first as you create this habit of working out with them away, but they will eventually adjust and love it. My kids expect it each day and enjoy the time because they just get to play around me or even join in at times. Use them as added resistance during squats and lunges! Put them in the jogging stroller and go for a run to the park. If you are doing a video...sure you may have to hit pause a few times....but its still moving forward! 5. Get an accountability partner. Maybe this is your spouse, a friend, or a neighbor that you would ask to start with you. You can set your alarms and call or text each other to make sure you are both up and ready to go PUSH PLAY or even workout together. FOR MORE TIPS, MOTIVATION AND RECIPES....FOLLOW ME OVER HERE.... www.facebook.com/kristinsharpfitness